Are you a medical doctor, beauty specialist, psychologist, personal trainer, health coach, nutritionist or simply interested in maintaining and improving yours and your family’s health and wellbeing by using natural, effective products?  Then aromatherapy is definitely for you! 

I have started studying and using aromatherapy about 6 years ago in an attempt to improve my emotional wellbeing during a difficult time in my life. Now, I could never imagine life without my amazing essential oils! I used them daily to prevent sickness and restore the health of my family, friends and clients, to detox my body and home as well as to improve my sleep, mood, energy level, skincare and pretty much everything related to my body and mind. 


After testing various brands, I decided the best choice for me was DoTerra. 

Why DoTerra ? 

- because their products are CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade.™ which means you’re using the purest essential oils on the market. That means they are safe to use externally and internally (when applicable) and also that they are within the right range of efficacy. Very much like medicine, which makes these oils suitable for medical environments in order to support the physical and emotional well-being of the patients. 

- because every bottle has an ID which gives access to the history and testing of each and every one! 

- because it has now over 9 millions customers and provides high quality plant extracts under the form of essential oils and plant based products such as health supplements and skincare products. 

- because DoTerra has worked with over 100 different organizations to do research and implement essential oils into their facilities, including universities, hospitals, VA medical centers, hospices and care centers, and more. Time and time again it was proven that these pure essential oils are effective in combating various illnesses. 

- because they are also involved in improving the environment and work conditions of the places and people they come in contact with 


If you are curious to know how these products can help your clients and your business, give us a call or send us an email and one of our certified professionals will reach out to schedule a  “test & learn” session where you can see, smell and even taste the DoTerra products which will then speak for themselves. 

If you want to order the products directly, you can use the following link:


Also, please contact us if you are interested in a collaboration in the areas:  Health, Wellness and Beauty. We are constantly looking for quality partners to recommend to our clients and help improve their lives. 


Happy, healthy regards, 


Check out my review of the cutest member of the Doterra family so far! A great addition to a child's sleep or study room!

The price is €73.50 (in NL) and includes also a 15 ml bottle of the Doterra Onguard blend with amazing effects on environmental threats such as viruses and bacteria. In my home, it has been a permanent product for the last 6 years!

It can be ordered directly at

For the review, you can check the movie below, it is totally worth it!