Cryotherapy - improving health through deliberate cold exposure

Published on 1 April 2023 at 13:17

There is already enough research about how deliberate cold exposure can help our body and mind become more resilient and more ready to tackle environmental and mental challenges.


According to many studies, cold exposure can among others:

- help increase energy and focus (through the release of adrenaline)

- help build resilience (by training the mind to cope with a stressor)

- help enhance mood and motivation (through the release of dopamine)

- help increase metabolism (burning calories to maintain body temperature)

- help increase physical recovery after an intense training


I decided to test the benefits myself after reading many articles and reviews about it and following the recommendation of a close friend, I tested cryotherapy myself at Renessence Amsterdam (that's a photo of me in the freezer)

I chose this therapy because I do not like jumping in cold water, but I do not mind dry(er) cold. 


Here is what Renessence they say about cryotherapy: 

"Cryotherapy is a cold therapy taken to the next tech level, by exposing the entire body to extremely cold (-110 Celsius) dry air for up to three minutes in a climate-controlled cryo-chamber.


  • Improves brain function, sleep quality, performance, and immune function.
  • Activates quicker muscle recovery and healing processes
  • Reduces inflammation, eczema and other skin conditions.
  • Boosts blood circulation, collagen, and endorphins."


After one week  and about 5 sessions, this is what I noticed:

- my energy level went up

- my stress level went down 

- I seem to have developed a higher tolerance to cold 

- the aspect of my skin improved 

- my body is now asking for it!


If you want to try the treatments, check their website:


Questions or feedback ? Would love to hear from you, feel free to use the contact form! 

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